Allegory to Bagoas, the Persian boy 4) · Ancient and Modern Times ▲
▲ "What are you waiting for? Hands behind the trunk! Be quick about it!"
"Have a last look around, before you are hooded." ▲
Allegory to Bagoas, the Persian boy 4) · "Do you "Chained? Perhaps. But he certainly was in
think, Bagoas was often chained on hands and feet?" safe keeping. As you are in good hands."▲
▲ The breakfast table · "Any plans for the day?" · "As so far, diffuse ones. Let me finish the news."
▲ "Your invitations are still the same kind of our boyhood."
"And it still ends the same way. Tied up in the garden."▲
A chess game Instead of a judo match · "You're losing again, Jig." · "Well, my sad destiny, Quee.
Would have been the same result in a judo fight. Submission! In any case today." ▲
▲ "Top of the hill the Carthaginians sacrificed
children to their gods."· "You're not a child, Jig." "Sorry, brother! I didn't realise that Virginia
has taken away the key." ▲
"I think, Harry Houdini wasn’t the guy to wear leather pants. And in relation to handcuffs?
Sometimes he looks very funny being chained up." 3) ▲
▲ "Would you be so kind to tie me up?" · "Is it okay?" · "Absolutely." · "May I offer you a rough
"Same procedure as yesterday?" · "Yeah." bath?" · "No. I like to meditate, Quee." ▲
▲ The terrace of important decisions · "I'm in favour of a daily match. As you are in poor shape."
Tori dominating Uke · "You'll walk up to our motor bike naked and handcuffed." ▲
"Mauli-Cat says that your leather over-nothing is of the same kind as his coat." ▲
▲ "Aren't we really slim guys?" · "I'm afraid we are. "Curious...! Handcuffed you are not
Easily being overpowered by anyone."
as slim
as you appear." ▲
Waiting for someone like Godot? ▲
▲ Reliable Smith & Wesson Handcuffs · "A further "Are you mad,
Jig? Cuffing me to this almond adventure is planned for the evening. After supper." whole night?" · "Sorry. No choice, Quee. All the
more, as the girls gave their blessing to it." ▲
"Hey, brother! Please, come back! Do with me whatever you want – but don’t be in a huff!" ▲
▲ "May the boys fight as long as "Look at my crazy brother! Sailing on a fig tree trunk!" ▲
they want – I take a long bath."
3) Paul Michael Glaser starring Harry Houdini in “The Great Houdini”, TV-Film, 1976
4) Mary Renault, The Persian Boy. Novel. Longman, London, 1972